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[Talk-ba] Question about highway refs

Tema 15.1. - 15.1.2020, broj postova: 1

15.1.2020 02:35:37 (#1)

Andrew Wiseman

<andrew_wiseman at apple.com>
Hello, This is Andrew from Apple again. We have been researching the highway numbering system ('refs') in Bosnia & Herzegovina and we would appreciate your help in clarifying what is the most current system -- quite a few roads currently have two refs in OpenStreetMap. I read that in 2014, the national government produced a decision suggesting updates to the ref system. This decision and document appear to have been used to update the refs in parts of the country (http://www.fbihvlada.gov.ba/bosanski/zakoni/2014/odluke/233.html). I also found another decision in 2018 which terminated the implementation of the 2014 decision (http://www.fbihvlada.gov.ba/bosanski/zakoni/2018/odluke/131.htm) It looks like the new refs in the 2014 document were added in addition to the older refs. A few examples are https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/317563611 & https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/130920043. What system is currently accurate? And is there a better resource for confirming refs? Additionally, we have been researching signage seen on the ground to determine how these refs are displayed. There are quite a few colors used for signs (green, yellow, blue) and we wanted to know if the color indicates anything specifically. Some refs are also missing the "M" and "R" before the number on signs, are they necessary? Thanks! Andrew // Zdravo, Ovo je Andrew iz Applea opet. Istražili smo sustav numeriranja autocesta (‘refs’) u Bosni i Hercegovini i cijenili bismo vašu pomoć u razjašnjenju koji je najaktualniji sustav - dosta puteva trenutno ima dva ref broja u OpenStreetMap. Čitao sam da je 2014 nacionalna vlada donijela odluku kojom je predložila ažuriranja ref sistema. Čini se da su ta odluka i dokument korišteni za ažuriranje refs u dijelovima zemlje (http://www.fbihvlada.gov.ba/bosanski/zakoni/2014/odluke/233.html <http://www.fbihvlada.gov.ba/bosanski/zakoni/2014/odluke/233.html>). Našao sam drugu odluku u 2018 kojom je prekinuta provedba odluke iz 2014 (http://www.fbihvlada.gov.ba/bosanski/zakoni/2018/odluke/131.htm <http://www.fbihvlada.gov.ba/bosanski/zakoni/2018/odluke/131.htm>) Izgleda da su nove refs dodane uz starije refs u dokumentu iz 2014. Nekoliko primjera su https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/317563611 <https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/317563611> & https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/130920043 <https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/130920043>. Koji je sistem trenutno tačan? I postoji li bolji izvor za potvrdu refs? Pored toga, istraživali smo znakove na terenu kako bismo utvrdili kako se prikazuju ti podaci. Postoji nekoliko boja koje se koriste za znakove (zelena, žuta, plava) i htjeli smo znati znače li boje nešto posebno. Nekim refs nedostaju i "M" i "R" prije broja na znakovima, jesu li potrebni? Hvala! Andrew Andrew Wiseman |  Maps | iPhone: + | andrew_wiseman at apple.com <mailto:andrew_wiseman at apple.com> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-ba/attachments/20200114/c5b63b46/attachment.htm>

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