[Talk-ba] [Talk-ba] Visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tema 21.6. - 29.6.2019, broj postova: 2
Sorry that I can only communicate in English.
I thought I would let you know that I will be visiting BiH again, for just
over a week in mid-July. A few of those days will be in Sarajevo. I don't
think I will do as much mapping as last year, but I will try and add things
like shops and check if I can fix any OSM Notes.
If you don't know what I did last year, you can watch my video here:
Gregory (LivingWithDragons)
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Hi Gregory,
sorry about the late reply. Unfortunately, I won't be in Sarajevo at
that time and the Bosnian mapping community hasn't grown any since the
last time we met. It looks like you're on your own. If you want a tip on
what to map, I started this hiking trail some time ago and still haven't
got around to complete it:
Also, if you run into any hiking guideposts anywhere in Bosnia, like
this: https://osm.fit.vutbr.cz/fody/files/21643.jpg (or even hand-made
ones, like this: https://osm.fit.vutbr.cz/fody/files/11998.jpg), please
send me a picture.
This goes for everybody reading this, of course.
The Czech OSM community offered to provide some of their map layers and
tools for mapping of hiking trails for Bosnia and we will need as many
of these as possible. I'll write more on the topic in about a month or so.
Michal Fabík
On 21st June 2019 at 12:44 Gregory Marler wrote:
zobrazit citaci
> Hello,
> Sorry that I can only communicate in English.
> I thought I would let you know that I will be visiting BiH again, for
> just over a week in mid-July. A few of those days will be in Sarajevo.
> I don't think I will do as much mapping as last year, but I will try
> and add things like shops and check if I can fix any OSM Notes.
> If you don't know what I did last year, you can watch my video here:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YupA4sfXsI
> --
> Gregory (LivingWithDragons)
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